Harris & Biden sign
A New Administration!

1. Welcome, President Biden & Vice President Harris!! Things felt touch and go here in DC after the domestic terrorist insurrection at the Capitol on January 6. I was nervous leading up to and even after President Joe Biden and MADAM Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn in on January 20. I desperately hoped that everyone would remain safe throughout Inauguration Day and beyond. Fortunately it all went smoothly, though a week later we still have fencing and razor wire around the Capitol and thousands of National Guard troops are here to stay through mid-March. I’m still hoping things will be peaceful, but I’m positive there will be more violent plots. Anyway, for now, please enjoy this awesome yard sign created by some neighbors. Fantastic!

Harris & Biden sign

2. Inauguration Night Fireworks: my friends and I did a celebratory Zoom on Inauguration Night. I had the TV on in the background  so I could keep an eye on the celebration happening on the National Mall. When Katy Perry started performing and fireworks started going off, John raced up to our roof terrace to see if he could see the fireworks from there. And he could! I ran up there too and we stood outside cheering along with other unseen neighbors. We could also see the pillars of light that were lit on the National Mall to represent all the people from the 50 states and 6 US territories who couldn’t be here for the inauguration due to the pandemic. We could only see the tops of the fireworks, but to even be able to see a portion of them was very exciting. What a night!

Inauguration fireworks

3. Pearls for Kamala: on Inauguration morning I read a story about women planning to wear pearls in honor of Madam Vice President. I hadn’t been aware that she’s known for wearing pearls! So I pulled out all the pearls I could find and donned them in her honor. I’m sure some if not all of mine are fake, but no matter. It was a fun little way to help celebrate the inauguration of our first female, Black, Asian American Vice President.

pearls for Kamala

4. Tatcha The Dewy Serum: my second-ever VoxBox from Influenster contained a full sized Dewy Serum from Tatcha, which they sent me for free for testing purposes. I was SUPER excited to receive this product, because I’ve loved most Tatcha products I’ve tried. I wrote more about my thoughts about this serum on Instagram, but I’m loving it!

Tatcha The Dewy Serum

5. Cozy Fire: just a shot of the fire we had going in our fireplace last weekend. We got a firewood delivery on Saturday, and I took ownership of starting and stoking this fire. Watching the flames is so soothing!
