Sam Costume Halloween 2021
Halloween Time!

1. I Am Sam: this year I decided I had to dress up as Sam from Trick ‘r Treat, my favorite Halloween movie! I bought my costume from Spirit Halloween, and I absolutely loved it. They have a “men’s” version which is the Sam onesie with mask and gloves. But I wouldn’t have wanted to wear the burlap mask over my entire head. Plus, this “women’s” dress version was super cute. I loved having the hood because we spent hours outside and it was a little chilly out. Of course I also bought Sam’s lollipop weapon to carry with me. Most people thought I was a scarecrow; I guess Trick ‘r Treat isn’t super well known. But a couple trick or treaters recognized who I was (including one pretty young boy of maybe seven or so), which made my night!

Sam Costume Halloween 2021

2. Sam Makeup: I wanted to do some fun makeup to go along with my costume, so I looked to YouTube for inspiration. I liked this tutorial by @battybean, so I tried to do something similar. I was pretty happy with how it turned out, and I especially liked my lips, which I painted black using Danessa Myricks Beauty Colorfix Eye, Cheek, and Lip Pigment in Blackout [affiliate link]. Then I tapped a bit of a golden shimmer eyeshadow in the center of my bottom lip for some dimension, and I thought it looked pretty cool.

Halloween Sam makeup

3. More Sam Makeup: the above look was for attending my neighbors’ sidewalk party on Saturday night. But I also dressed up on actual Halloween the next night, and decided to do a slightly different look. I used the same colors on my eyes but skipped the stitched crease and added the Dame style faux lashes that I received for free with a recent ColourPop order. I liked this look too and the lashes worked out pretty well!

Halloween makeup

4. 1,000 Followers: Around three and a half years (I think?) after starting my @adventuresherman Instagram page, I hit a thousand followers last week! It feels so great to have finally hit this milestone number. I know my account is minuscule compared to a lot of folks, but I’m pretty okay with it…I’m actually not out there trying to get hundreds of thousands of followers. I don’t like that much attention. 😛  Also, our cats’ Instagram account @cheddarandlinus reached 5,000 followers last week! They’re literally five times more popular than I am, haha. That’s what happens when you’re adorable cats. Thank you to everyone who’s followed my account (and our cats’) and engaged with my content!

1000 followers on IG!

5. Moderna Booster Shot: this week I went to CVS and got my COVID-19 booster shot! I made an appointment online in advance, and when I went the pharmacy wasn’t busy at all. I hung out for 15 minutes after the injection to make sure I didn’t have a reaction, then went across the street to treat myself to a Starbucks PSL. The day after my booster, I felt pretty bad and basically laid around all day. But the day after that I was feeling mostly back to normal, just a little extra tired. I believe I felt a little worse than I did the day after my second shot, but I still think it’s worth it to get the immunity boost.

post-COVID booster shot selfie