My 2024 SDCC Nerd Haul
If you thought I was finished posting about SDCC 2024, you would be mistaken. I have one more post in me regarding this year’s con: my nerdy haul!
Not pictured above: my Yesterdays 2024 San Diego t-shirt that I pre-ordered. I included a pic of that tee in my recap post. In that post, I also talked about the Pokemon lanyard that I bought, the official SDCC pin, and the Deadpool & Wolverine screening swag that you see above.
I managed not to buy so much stuff as to have to cram it into my luggage like I did in 2022. Everything fit nicely with room to spare this time.
Aside from the lanyard that I bought upon entering the exhibit hall and the Yesterdays tee that I picked up, the first item I bought was this Beetlejuice Guide Funko Pop. I already have a regular Beetlejuice Pop and a NECA Beetlejuice action figure. But when Beetlejuice is one of your all-time favorite movies, more Bjuice is welcome. Plus, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is coming out in September, and I’m excited about it!
This year, a booth called The Loyal Subjects (which I don’t recall seeing at SDCC before) was filled with Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite goodies. As an 80’s kid, I enjoyed playing with Strawberry Shortcake dolls. Naturally, I was drawn to the booth to peruse their offerings. When I saw that they were selling retro Strawberry Shortcakes, I bought one immediately. Like the OG toys, she is scented! What a perfect way to scratch the nostalgia itch!
The booth also had Strawberry Shortcake blind bag backpack clips, so I bought one. This cute little Sour Grapes figure was inside, and she smells just the way I remember these dolls smelling! She’s currently sitting next to my Blueberry Muffin Funko Pop.
John was sweet to buy me this cute Goonies skeleton key and mini book set! This is a replica of the key that the Goonies needed to use to unlock a passage in the caves. The Goonies is my number one favorite movie, so obviously John knows me very well.
Prior to the con, I had seen on Twitter that the True Edge booth would be selling this Killer Klowns from Outer Space enamel pin set. So I made it a point to swing by the booth and see if the pins were available. Indeed they were, so this adorable set is now mine. (I dressed up as Shorty for Halloween last year!)
At the Insight Editions booth, I spotted a new tarot journal from Christina Ricci. She also has a tarot deck releasing this fall, which I may buy to go along with the journal. The journal came shrink-wrapped in plastic; once I returned home I removed it, opened the journal, and found that the pages are upside down and backward. Basically, there was a book assembly error. I sent the company a message via their website’s contact page to let them know and to see if I can either get a refund or a fresh copy. No response yet. I don’t see this tarot journal on their website, so I wonder if they messed up the printing but sold some copies at SDCC anyway. I’ll update here if I receive a response. Regardless, the journal is very cute!
EDITED TO ADD: I heard back from Insight Editions and they kindly shipped me a new journal. I received it on August 13 and it is printed correctly. Thank you, Insight Editions!
I always enjoy visiting Con Rangers to see what merit badges they’re offering. This year I ended up buying three badges: Stayed for the Entire Con (for John, because he had a period of time in which he wasn’t sure he could attend at all), Traveled to the Con (for me, duh), and Got into Hall H (for Deadpool & Wolverine). I’m happy to have these in my collection!
I spotted this Overlook Hotel commemorative coin at a random booth and bought it on the spot. The Shining never gets old! RIP Shelley Duvall, who passed away recently.
The same booth with the coin was also selling this jack-o-lantern pin, which I will wear on my jacket in the fall.
Last but not least is the full set of four SDCC limited edition chocolate bars! Last year I waited on line for almost an hour to buy them. I really liked the chocolate bars, but this year I decided I didn’t really want to wait that long for chocolate. So I didn’t even bother swinging by the kiosk to see what the line was like. My friend K ended up walking past it and saw that there was no line, so she checked with me to see if I wanted any chocolate bars this year. I said one of each, please! And she kindly obliged. Hooray for friends who look out for your sweet tooth!
This concludes my coverage of SDCC 2024. SDCC has already announced 2025 badge sale dates….something I don’t ever recall them doing this far in advance. September 21 will be Returning Registration, and Open Registration is October 26. So only two months will go by before it’s time to try to get our badges for next year! Year-long con vibes, baby!
Did you buy anything exclusive, limited edition, or something that you’re just super psyched about this year? Let me know in the comments!