1. Easter Sweets! I don’t celebrate Easter (I was raised Jewish*), but I’m a sucker for Easter treats like Cadbury Creme Eggs and Robin Eggs. This year I found two new sugary Easter goodies: Peanut Butter M&M Eggs and Goldfish Vanilla Cupcake Grahams. Peanut butter M&Ms are my favorite candy (I always buy a bag at the airport!), and somehow they taste even better in pastel speckled robin egg form.

EasterTreats2. Bloodline. Netflix is just nailing it in the original series department. So far I’ve seen four of the thirteen episodes of their newly-released family drama Bloodline, and I’m all in. Because Netflix has no standards and practices the way traditional TV networks do, you can watch Coach Taylor drop F-bombs all over the place, which is an unexpected joy. The show is set in the Florida Keys, where my husband and I vacationed in February, and it’s already making us nostalgic. I cannot heap enough praise on the casting of Ben Mendelsohn as Rayburn family black sheep Danny, and the rest of the cast is amazing as well (I mean…they secured Sissy Spacek as the family matriarch, for god’s sake). Lots of familiar faces and inter-familial intrigue make for solid entertainment.

Bloodline3. My always and forever favorite food, pizza. This Two Boots pie is my go-to when I’m feeling peckish and want to order in. It’s a cheese pie with sundried tomatoes and shiitake mushrooms on top. I LOVE the crunchy cornmeal crust and the slightly spicy sauce. So. Good.

Pizza4. My first foray into superhero comics: Flashpoint. While I’m an unabashed geek, I’ve never been much into comics (excepting The Walking Dead) but after getting sucked into Arrow and The Flash on The CW, my interest is piqued. My husband thoughtfully picked this comic up for me at our local comic book store; as a standalone story it’ll be perfect for a newbie like me. I’m looking forward to reading it!

Flashpoint5. It Follows—a truly creepy horror film. I don’t want to give anything away, as the movie is better the less you know going in, but this is not your standard teen slasher film…not in the slightest. I love everything about this movie: the 70s horror throwback score, the cinematography, the story, the art direction. It’s so well done!


*One time when I was in grade school I went to a friend’s house to play, and we decorated Easter eggs—I believe it was the first and last time I ever did so. I wrote “Made by a Jew” on my Easter eggs. I shit you not.
