A Horror Movie A Day

Fall is FINALLY here! It’s my favorite season, mostly because it means that scary movie season has arrived. 2018 marks the fourth year in a row in which I’ll watch a horror movie a day all throughout October! I’ve really enjoyed doing this for the past few years so I definitely wanted to continue the tradition.

Click to watch the full video. It’s never not funny.
What to Watch?

I only have a few ideas of what I want to watch this year. The new Halloween is coming out on October 19 so I definitely want to see that in the theater. I’d see the new Goosebumps: Haunted Halloween movie in the theater too, though I’m not dying to see it. I want to re-watch It now that it’s available on HBO. I love Get Out so much that I’ll probably re-watch that if I’m having trouble deciding what I’m in the mood for. I also want to watch Hereditary because I haven’t seen it yet. I’ll most likely re-watch Suspiria because the remake is coming out November 2…not soon enough! I don’t know why they’re releasing it after Halloween. Boo (and I don’t mean that in the scary way)!

Beyond those ideas, I’ll probably just wing it and see what I feel like watching each day. If you want to follow along and see what I’m watching, I’m going to Tweet each day’s selection. Follow @sheiman for updates (I also Tweet a lot of anti-Trump stuff, so if that’s not your bag, well, consider yourself forewarned). And of course, I’ll post my full watchlist here after the month has ended.

Interested in seeing what I watched for the previous three years? Check out my full watchlists at the links below:

31 Days of Horror 2017

31 Days of Horror 2016

31 Days of Horror 2015

Have you ever taken on the 31 Days of Horror challenge and if so, are you doing it this year?