A Horror Movie A Day
Fall is FINALLY here! It’s my favorite season, mostly because it means that scary movie season has arrived. 2018 marks the fourth year in a row in which I’ll watch a horror movie a day all throughout October! I’ve really enjoyed doing this for the past few years so I definitely wanted to continue the tradition.
What to Watch?
I only have a few ideas of what I want to watch this year. The new Halloween is coming out on October 19 so I definitely want to see that in the theater. I’d see the new Goosebumps: Haunted Halloween movie in the theater too, though I’m not dying to see it. I want to re-watch It now that it’s available on HBO. I love Get Out so much that I’ll probably re-watch that if I’m having trouble deciding what I’m in the mood for. I also want to watch Hereditary because I haven’t seen it yet. I’ll most likely re-watch Suspiria because the remake is coming out November 2…not soon enough! I don’t know why they’re releasing it after Halloween. Boo (and I don’t mean that in the scary way)!
Beyond those ideas, I’ll probably just wing it and see what I feel like watching each day. If you want to follow along and see what I’m watching, I’m going to Tweet each day’s selection. Follow @sheiman for updates (I also Tweet a lot of anti-Trump stuff, so if that’s not your bag, well, consider yourself forewarned). And of course, I’ll post my full watchlist here after the month has ended.
Interested in seeing what I watched for the previous three years? Check out my full watchlists at the links below:
Have you ever taken on the 31 Days of Horror challenge and if so, are you doing it this year?