Harvest Chocolates, Crystals, Frankencheese, and more
1. Harvest Chocolates: I made a Trader Joe’s run this week and picked up these absolutely adorable Belgian chocolates! They were too cute not to buy, and are almost too cute to eat. I’ve had a couple of them so far and they’re delicious. I believe a box of eight chocolates cost $3.99. They’d be a sweet host/hostess gift for the holidays.
2. Crystal Charging: I have a nice little collection of crystals and decided to charge them out on our deck under the full moon this week. I don’t know if I truly believe they do anything, but we could sure use some healing vibes around our house these days. Especially for our 19-year-old cat Walter, who is not doing well right now.
3. Frankfully Frightening: I spotted this Halloween-themed Gouda at Giant and as a lover of cheese and monsters, I just couldn’t pass it up! It’s green due to basil and spirulina, not food coloring, so that puts my mind at ease. I haven’t tried it yet but am hoping it’s not too garlicky, because that’s one of the ingredients. I do feel like the producer missed an opportunity to make a Monster Muenster, though.
4. Alpha Omega Wines: the two wines I ordered during my visit to Alpha Omega finally arrived this week! They don’t ship wines when the temperature is too hot so they had to wait until DC cooled down. I got one bottle of the 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon and one bottle of the 2014 Proprietary Red Wine. My friends and I tasted both at the winery and they were so good. I can’t wait to crack these open and enjoy them with John.
5. Halloween Socks: I bought a few pairs of socks at Target but didn’t open this pair up until this week. I was happy to discover that they have little rubbery bat treads on the soles! How cute!