1. Cherry Blossoms: these gorgeous trees are FINALLY in bloom in DC! Winter is stubbornly holding on, so park services pushed the peak bloom date back repeatedly. I haven’t visited the Tidal Basin yet this year, but I did spot this beauty down the street from our apartment!

2. National Air and Space Museum: my friend and her husband were in town for their son’s spring break this week so I met up with them at this museum—one of the last remaining Smithsonians I had yet to visit. I never made this museum a priority because air and space aren’t exactly my jam. But the antique planes hanging all around the place are pretty cool!

3. Yes to Grapefruit Brightening Mask [paid link]: I picked this mask up not long ago because I was was interested in trying some of the drugstore brands’ new sheet masks. As you can see below, this mask did not have the best fit. There were flaps coming down from the undereye area and I wasn’t sure whether to place them outward or inward. Ultimately I don’t think it mattered. The mask was just okay; I don’t think I’d buy another Yes to sheet mask due to the fit. I get that it’s hard to make these truly “one size fits all,” but I’ve used others that fit better.

4. Bridge Lane Wine: the craft beer shop up the street from our apartment recently started carrying two varieties of this NY State-produced wine in a can. I picked up a Sauvignon Blanc and a Rosé and both are actually quite tasty. Each can is equivalent to a half bottle, so they’re perfect if you don’t want to open a bottle. They’d also be so great for picnics!


5. Cava: I love this local chain! In the past few months, two new Cava locations have opened up within walking distance of our apartment. The place is my go-to for a quick and healthy meal when I don’t feel like making something at home. Cava is a delicious Mediterranean quick service restaurant à la Chipotle. You pick a base (salad, grains, or a blend of both), protein, veggies, toppings, and sauces. I am a little obsessed with their spicy turmeric tahini dressing. YUM!