1. Nocking Point Wine Club: I signed up for this club months ago and received my first shipment in March, then completely forgot to post about it because I’ve had so many DC-related things to share each week! Nocking Point is Stephen Amell‘s winery (you might know him as Oliver Queen on Arrow*) and it offers a wine club shipment for $100 per quarter. So every three months, members receive a selection of the winery’s wines, plus NP coffee beans and gear. For my first shipment I received three wines (a sparkling, a Malbec, and a Sauvignon Blanc), a bag of coffee beans, and a wine bottle insulator. So far I’ve consumed the coffee (tasty), the Malbec (pretty good), and used the insulator a couple of times. The June box will have Nerd HQ-branded rosé…and I can’t wait!
2. Zebra Mildliner Highlighters: when BulletJournal enthusiast extraordinaire Tiny Ray of Sunshine posted about these highlighters on Instagram, I knew I had to have them. Amazon offers this set of three five-packs for under $15…so about $1 per highlighter. The colors are so muted and pretty, and I’m using them to fill out my May habit tracker in my own Bullet Journal. Bonus: they’re double ended, with a pointed fine tip and a more traditional angled highlighter tip.
3. Compass Coffee: it’s fun to try local brands in my new city, so I’ve been buying these coffee beans from Whole Foods. The first blend I tried was Cardinal, and these days I’m drinking Waypoint each morning. I’m not a coffee nerd in any way, but these sure taste good and help me wake up every day!
4. Burt’s Bees Lip Crayon: I was in the mood for some pink lip color a few months back, so I bought this lip crayon in the color “Hawaiian Smolder” at my local drugstore. The formula is matte and very easy to apply—who doesn’t love a crayon for the lips? It’s important to apply this over lip balm if you don’t want it to appear patchy. The shade gives my face a fun pop of pink when I’m looking a little pasty (which is basically always).
5. Spigen Style Armor iPhone 6 Case: my most recent phone case cracked a bit at the edge (boo). So I picked out the same case in a different design from another seller on Zazzle, but when it arrived it looked like crap (double boo) because the seller hadn’t used a high quality enough image. I got a refund for that piece of garbage and did some research on slim iPhone cases. I ended up ordering this one from Amazon. It only cost $15.99 and seems good so far! It’s a touch bulkier and heavier than my last case, but it also seems to offer more protection, so, not the worst trade-off.
*I’ve probably posted this before, but please enjoy this looped video of Oliver doing the salmon ladder. You’re welcome.