1. Onurth Organic Skincare: I discovered these lovely products at the Fabulous Fifth Avenue Street Fair, of all places. My friend and I were strolling through the fair, dodging wayward uncovered sneezes and ignoring the usual mozzarepas, socks, cheap sunglasses, overpriced lemonade, and unlicensed superhero bouncy houses when we stumbled upon the Onurth booth. It didn’t take much for the saleswoman with excellent skin to sell me on a tiny bottle of mature skin oil and a bottle of rose hydrolat. I had never heard of a hydrolat (also known as hydrosol) before. Turns out it’s the liquid that collects during the distillation process used to produce essential oils—so this concentrated stuff has a similar efficacy to essential oil. I learned something else, too: misting your face right before applying an oil will help the skin absorb the oil better. The rose hydrolat smells incredible! I’ve been using the two products in concert every night before bed and it makes for a luxurious little ritual. Sometimes I even spritz my face with during the day for a refresher. I like the products so much that I already ordered a full sized bottle of the oil!

Onurth2. My new peloric orchid! Okay, I may be cheating a bit with this one because I’ve already written about it on my orchid blog. But this is my blog and I can write about whatever I want, so there.  🙂

Peloric_orchid3. Orchid seedlings from Costa Rica. Ummmm, I’m totally cheating again. Don’t hate me! I’ve been immersed in apartment hunting (not by choice, UGH…where’s the “monkey throwing poop” emoji when you need it?!) so I haven’t had much time to think about my list this week. There are actually five seedlings in the container on the right…I really hope I don’t kill them!

Orchid_seedlings4. Oh, hey, more plant stuff! I’m making my first attempt at propagating succulents and am starting to have a little success. I think the few cat hairs thrown in there might be the secret ingredient. Check out those pink roots and the teeny tiny baby succulent!

Succulents5. Golden Raspberries: I saw these guys at Whole Foods and just had to try them. I’d never had golden raspberries before, and as it turns out, they are delicious! They’re more tart and less sweet than your standard raspberry. A fun, fruity change for the warm weather.
