Pumpkin Cold Brew, Voting, and more

1. Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew: just like last week, I got up early on Wednesday and drove to the same Starbucks drive thru in Virginia to treat myself. This time I tried the pumpkin cream cold brew, and IT IS DELICIOUS. I daresay it’s better than the OG PSL! I will definitely be treating myself to this again…and again.


2. RBG Mask: my mom sent me this cute Ruth Bader Ginsburg print mask made by Progress Women, a social justice organization. The mask says Your Vote Matters, and I’m proud to wear it around when I take walks to get some fresh air and exercise! Thanks, Mom!

Your Vote Matters mask

3. Voter Registration Forms: recently while on a morning walk, I saw that a neighbor had attached an envelope filled with DC voter registration forms to their fence, with a note telling people to help themselves. I thought it was a brilliant idea, so I made one for our own fence! If even one person registers to vote using these forms, I’ll be happy. I’m never really know if someone does register, but I’ll at least be able to tell if some forms have been taken.

Quick mid-post interruption: while we’re at it, please make your own voting plan by visiting I don’t often get too political here but in my opinion, Trump is dangerous and WE MUST VOTE HIM OUT. People are literally dying on his watch as he tries to cling to the presidency so he won’t get arrested for four more years. We cannot take four more years of this shit. He has to go.

Voter registration forms

4. Heavy Seas Beer The Great’er Pumpkin: I placed a Drizly order this week and got a couple six-packs of this bourbon barrel aged pumpkin ale. I know it’s not even Labor Day yet, but fuck it: ’tis the season. This beer tastes more like pumpkin spices than pumpkin itself, but I’m okay with that. It’s tasty and I’d order it again!

Great'er Pumpkin Beer

5. Grilled Pizza: last weekend we (meaning John) grilled pizza, and it turned out great! This was our (his) second attempt at grilled pizza and it went a little better than our first try. We used store-bought dough, but now that I have sourdough starter we’ll try making dough with that at some point. YUM.

Grilled pizza